Thursday, November 20, 2008

Waiting in line for Twilight midnight release.

Classic Wedge Salad - NEW!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Someone had turned all the Obama issues of People around. Haters.

TBC is dead. Long live TBC

So after April and I played Lich King yesterday we are feeling kinds
crappy about it. After westling with our feelings and the emotional
roller coaster I decided to download the stages I grief. After looking
over them I can say that I think we are experiencing the loss of The
Burning Crusade. It is for all intents and purpose dead. What we need
to learn how to do is move on to acceptance. We news to accept that
the game we gave been playing for nearly be last two years is gone.
Where we were once gods we are starting all over again as scrubs.

I think we will be ok. I think we just have to work through this and
try to enjoy leveling and stop and smell the frozen roses.

Sent from my iPhone

Only at a WoW midnight release. A garbage can full of addictive substances.